Women Empowerment- The era of change
Amidst myriad of colorful and substantial goals, Ikkatdoor endorses a strong belief and need for women empowerment.
We not only specialize In the genre of women’s clothing rather we staunchly believe and propagate the idea that the present times belong to the unbridled and magnetic vibes of women. We are highly adamant and inclined towards weeding out the general notion that women are susceptible to society’s common norms.
Today’s women is independent, carefree, unsubdued and lives on her own terms. For the very idea to flourish without any barriers, we are here to empower women by catering them with a new way of style and line of thoughts with our unsullied craft. We also end up emboldening the women financially as hundreds of skillful manpower working in the whole line of our business are women. We take pride in employing and promoting today’s women in huge numbers at all levels so that the idea of women empowerment goes way beyond its rhetorical influence.